Baby love
It must be baby love that got me feeling this way!
Also a little Louis Vuitton helps a lot too :)
For those that don't know - I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.
Nothing quite like giving birth and then doing a photoshoot 2 months later. It's safe to say my body hasn't returned to it's old self but it will no doubt take time - they say it takes as long as the baby is inside you so 9 months to cook - 9 months to recuperate!
Plus the pandemic has not helped my efforts as all gyms shut - so alas! It is what it is and all very first world problems.
I am excited to share with you all my first proper photoshoot with Henley.

safe to say I was enjoying myself - might take Henley some time to get used to this photo life!

Can't stop smiling - must be baby love :)

Ah in the time og global pandemic the cure today was a cutie pie baby and some Louis Vuitton
