Winter Wonderland
For those that haven't experienced New York in the winter - well let's just say it's chilly
When it comes to Snow Attire - we usually think of big jackets - gloves and beanies
However the truth is once it actually snows - temperatures rise and if feels mildly warmer than before it actually snowed
Ok so if it sounds like I'm trying to make excuses for wearing a sleeveless romper dress in the the middle of winter then well ha maybe I am but who couldn't love this romper dress by the incredible Brazilian born designer Layana Aguilar
Ok so with a romper dress like this who wouldn't want to brave the big freeze :)

smiling through the cold!

all this snow made me wanna listen to some classic Madonna tunes - like rain #mood

the perfect snow haze

something about the snow makes me feel so alive!

wish every day was a Layana Aguilar fashion snow storm!