Soho Night Owls
If you like adventure then there's a good chance you also like to incorporate a little outdoor inspiration into your everyday urban city threads.

Meet fashion store Westerlind - they have just launched a new studio in the heart of Soho, New York.
Think of Westerlind as your go-to curated stylish outdoor gear guru with a practical core.
I was lucky enough to attend their latest launch party and wear some of their brands pieces including this super comfy poncho.

From drinking classic cider to playing table tennis the night infused the great outdoors into this urban setting effortlessly.

The icing on the outdoor cake was meeting these amazing Hawks too - with their talented trainer's supervision you could hold the Hawkes and pat them too!

Here is a video that covers all the nights outdoor Westerlind activities - inside!
I wore the Westerlind hat and poncho - other items showcased included beautiful leather gloves to stylish backpacks.

I could see these Westerlind pieces on my wall at home :)

Just like when traversing the great outdoors, where you can take a hike and never know what wildlife you might encounter - so too this party had many characters from the usual to the completely unexpcted!

I wanted all the Westerlind hand picked pieces.... It's safe to say that Westerlind has the laser vision of an owl and makes the wisest outdoor gear selections!